Sunday, October 17, 2010

If autumn leaves were candy...

I don't think I could ever pick a favorite season... although winter probably isn't it. But at this time of the year I can't help but love the colors of leaves. Always have and always will. This is definitely the best time of year to decorate for. You don't need a holiday (even thought there are two) because the decor of mother nature is something to try to live up to. I love the warm oranges and browns. I love the piles of pumpkins. And though I haven't had any yet this year, nothing competes with a pumpkin chocolate chip cookie.

13 days to go! and as long as I put on a hoodie or two I really do enjoy taking time to feel the cool, crisp air and the smell of dry leaves.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Cream Cheese Brownies

My name is Sarah, and my life is full of so many joyful things. While I don't like facebook very much, I think that blogging is a great way for me to journal, and to share the delightful things in my life with everyone I know.

First of all being food. Namely (today) Cream Cheese Brownies. At the beginning of September my lovely roommate decided that we should all join her on a journey.... to go without treats until Halloween! This includes nothing that can be bought at a pastry shop/bakery, an ice cream shop, or a candy store. Needless to say... it's not the most pleasant experience of my life. Friday night we ran to the grocery store and staring me in the face was a box of Pillsbury Cream Cheese Brownie Mix. I bought it. It is sitting on the top shelf of my cupboard waiting until midnight of October 31st for me to bake and enjoy... probably by myself.

There are many joys in life that must be waited for, earned, and possibly lived without. But one of these joys, that can be shared and enjoyed by all, are cream cheese brownies.

34 days down, 20 days to go.